Absolute Return

Absolute return is a term used to describe the gain or loss of an investment over a specific period of time.

What is absolute return?

Absolute return is a measure of performance for an investment or portfolio that is calculated in relation to the amount of capital invested. It is typically expressed as a percentage and is calculated by subtracting the amount of capital invested from the total amount of money earned or lost. This measure is used to assess the performance of an investment over a specific period of time, such as one year, and can be used to compare the performance of different investments.

Absolute return is a more comprehensive measure of return than other measures, such as relative return. Relative return measures the performance of an investment against a benchmark, such as a market index. By contrast, absolute return measures the performance of an investment in absolute terms, independent of any benchmark. This makes it a more objective measure of performance.

Absolute return is most commonly used to measure the performance of hedge funds, private equity funds, and other alternative investments. These investments often have a higher risk and higher potential reward, making absolute return an important measure of performance. Absolute return can also be used to measure the performance of more traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds.

The most common way to calculate absolute return is to divide the total return by the amount of capital invested. This calculation is expressed as a percentage, which represents the return on the capital invested. For example, if an investor invests $100 in a stock and the stock increases in value by $20, the absolute return is 20%.

Absolute return is an important measure of performance for investors because it provides an objective measure of performance that is independent of the performance of any benchmark. It also allows investors to compare the performance of different investments.

Absolute return is not without its limitations. One of the most significant limitations is that it does not take into account the risk associated with an investment. Riskier investments may have a higher absolute return, but they may also be more volatile and subject to greater losses. Therefore, investors should consider both absolute return and risk when evaluating the performance of an investment.

Furthermore, absolute return does not take into account the time period over which the returns were earned. While an investment may have a high absolute return over one year, it may not have a high absolute return over a longer period of time. Therefore, investors should consider both the absolute return and the time period when evaluating a particular investment.

In conclusion, absolute return is an important measure of performance for investments. It provides an objective measure of performance that is independent of any benchmark and allows investors to compare the performance of different investments. However, investors should take into account both the absolute return and the risk associated with an investment when evaluating the performance of an investment.