The Best Crypto Marketing Agencies in 2024

By Rebecca Campbell - Updated 23 July 2024
Fact Checked

Whether you’re a senior marketer at a global cryptocurrency brand, one of the founders of a new crypto startup, or the developers behind a new token that’s gearing up for an ICO, the best crypto marketing agencies can help you get the message out to the right customers in the right place at the right time. 

Of course, it is possible to market a crypto brand or new cryptocurrency token yourself, without having pay a specialist cryptocurrency marketing firm… but as the cryptocurrency market grows, hiring a top crypto marketing company can give you the edge you need in this increasingly competitive space. Well-versed in helping educate crypto audiences, a crypto marketing agency has the potential to bring in more revenue to grow your business.

People often say that all publicity is good publicity, but if you choose the wrong crypto marketing agency, it’s possible that you might not receive any publicity at all. 

To combat this, we’ve reviewed the best crypto marketing agencies in 2024, helping you select the right cryptocurrency marketing agency for your company, your new crypto project or your ICO. 

Best Crypto Marketing Agencies - Our Top 10

Looking for a quick answer? Here are our top 10 crypto marketing agencies in 2024.

How to Choose the Best Crypto Marketing Agency for Your Project

Choosing the best crypto marketing agencies doesn’t have to be difficult if you already know what you’re looking for.

For other companies delving into the marketing space considering crypto marketing services, there are a few things to think about beforehand. For instance, what’s your budget, what services are you looking for, and are there any geographic limitations you need to be aware of?

Let’s look closely at these to help you choose the best cryptocurrency marketing agency for your project.


Knowing your budget is an important factor before working with any crypto marketing agencies. Research each company you find and see what crypto marketing services they offer and at what price. 

Determine which ones you can afford that still meet your needs without going over budget. When it comes to pricing things, you want to find a balance between cost and quality while getting the most out of your money.


Find out what crypto marketing services the crypto marketing agency offers. Do they offer services that match what you need or only some? Do they have customised packages or packages that fit everyone?

Services to consider include PR, advertising, multi-lingual campaigns, branding, content marketing, and SEO.


Before deciding on a crypto marketing agency, check out their portfolio. This is a great way of determining the companies they’ve worked with before and if it aligns with your project. Make sure you look at their results and read any testimonials from previous clients.


Get to know the team behind the marketing company. Ask yourself if they have the right skills and people to help you achieve your marketing goals. Do they have sector-specific experience? Can they deliver high-quality work efficiently?


What values do they have as a company? Do these match with yours and what you’re trying to achieve? Importantly, are they passionate about crypto or are they just trying to make money?


Good communication is vital and is the backbone of any good partnership. When researching the different crypto marketing firms, find out how they communicate with their clients and how often. Do they provide regular updates on a project’s success?

Make sure that the agency you pick is transparent in its communication and delivers regular results.

Geographic Limitations

Make sure any of the crypto marketing agencies work in the country you’re based in. For instance, does one particular marketing company only work with projects in the UK or the US? Or do they only work with niche-specific projects, for instance, non-fungible tokens (NFTs)?

Find this out before choosing an agency to avoid having to restart the process and find a company that can work for you.


Read any crypto marketing agency reviews to see feedback from clients. Have any of the crypto marketing companies won awards for their work? Have they been recognised in the industry as being one of the best crypto marketing agencies to work with? Have they received any client complaints?

Best Crypto Marketing Companies - Key Facts

Crypto Marketing Agency Reviews

How Much Does a Good Crypto Marketing Agency Charge?

Marketing services can be a substantial investment for any company. This is why it’s necessary to ensure your budget and your expected return on investment (ROI) align to meet your goals before contacting any crypto marketing agencies.

For this reason, expect to pay a monthly retainer anywhere between £700 – £15,000 with small to medium-sized crypto marketing agencies and £4,000 – £40,000 for project-based fees.

With large or top-tier marketing companies, a monthly retainer can range from £15,000 – £40,000, and project-based fees can exceed £40,000.

Total costs vary between £700 and over £100,000, taking into account the marketing strategy development, audience reach, content creation, media engagement, international outreach, or any publicity at major events.

Because fees vary, you’ll likely find something for you cost-wise; however, you’ll need to determine if the cost matches what a crypto marketing agency is proposing to do for you.

Why Would My Project Need a Cryptocurrency Marketing Agency?

Crypto marketing is an important measure of the success of a company for several reasons, which we’ll cover now.

Attract Investment

Probably one of the biggest benefits of using a cryptocurrency marketing agency is that it helps attract new investors to your business.

By building a strong image with positive coverage, your company could reach a global audience through social media, media publications, and other online avenues.

Industry Expertise

Another benefit of using the best crypto marketing agencies is the expertise they can bring. Because they know how the industry works, they can create effective marketing campaigns that are more likely to hit their mark and target audience.

Building Credibility

The crypto industry is a competitive place and with so many companies vying for investors, a crypto marketing agency can help push you ahead of your competition.

They can achieve this by building the credibility and trust of your brand, and distinguishing it from your competitors and potential fraudulent companies.

Educating the Market

The cryptocurrency industry is complex and ever-changing. With the market often misunderstood, crypto marketing agencies can help convey the benefits and uses of your company’s services and projects.

Through this effective method, it can mean the difference between receiving investors and not.

Can’t I Just Do the Marketing Myself, Without Having to Pay an Agency?

Yes, you could, but having an experienced team run the marketing side of things while you focus on your company is much better in the long run.

If you decide to do the marketing yourself, you potentially run the risk of limiting the growth of your project as you focus on something that could be outsourced to others. If this were to happen, the above-mentioned benefits wouldn’t be achieved or would take longer to happen.

Ultimately, you could miss out on important investment opportunities as well as building the trust needed to grow your business while setting yourself apart from your competitors. No investors means no money and no money means not being able to push your company ahead in this competitive market.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect if I Use One of the Best Crypto Marketing Companies?

Using a crypto marketing firm will generate different results, and it’s important to remember that regardless of the crypto marketing firm you use, most agencies are unable to guarantee results.

Saying that, while marketing campaigns always carry an element of risk, crypto projects will almost certainly gain more exposure, interest, and reach when they use a specialist agency rather than if they did the marketing themselves.

Some of the results you can see are below:

Recognition and Trust

With engaging content and by being active on social media, crypto marketing companies boost your company’s position in the industry as an expert in the field. By establishing yourself as an authority figure, it helps lay the groundwork for long-term success.

Targeting the Right Audience

To boost your company and your project, you need to reach the right audience. Using one of the top crypto marketing agencies, they have the expertise to pinpoint who your audience is and their demographic.

Through thorough research, crypto marketing companies can reach the people you want who are interested in the crypto industry.

Crisis Handling

The crypto industry works at a fast and ever-changing pace, and if something goes wrong you need to know you have a team of marketing experts ready to handle anything.

The best crypto marketing agencies are experienced at dealing with crises while protecting a company’s reputation, something you can rely on when things get tough.

Connecting with Influencers

In the world of crypto, connecting with influencers and the media matters to the success of a company. When using crypto marketing companies, they often have good connections with influencers and the media, which is what you want when you need to get your message out.

Using Analytics

Using tools such as Google Analytics, a cryptocurrency marketing agency can determine the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Through measures like this, marketing companies can better understand the conversion and engagement rates.

If things aren’t going as planned, this provides an informed picture for them to adjust their strategies.

Will a Specialist Crypto Marketing Firm Get Better Results than a Generalist Marketing Agency?

While nothing is guaranteed, sector specialists are more likely to get better results compared to a generalist marketing agency.

Here we list the reasons why:

Right Contacts

Half the battle in achieving the right results is knowing the right people. With a specialist crypto marketing agency, they’ll already know the best people to connect with compared to a generalist agency who’ll have to work harder at reaching out.


The crypto space is a complex environment, so it’s handy to know what you’re talking about. That’s exactly what you get with a specialist crypto marketing agency. They already know the lingo and how the industry works compared to a generalist marketing company who may have a steep learning curve to understand it.


Using a specialist crypto marketing firm could provide you with a better return on investment (ROI) compared to using a generalist marketing agency. This is because they may implement better PR marketing, and produce content that includes the right lingo while impacting and reaching a wider audience.

Range of Services

Another factor that will likely see crypto marketing agencies produce better results is because of the services they provide. As this is something they do regularly, they will already have the right tools and services on hand to help create effective marketing for your project.

Do Top Crypto Marketing Agencies Charge a Retainer, or Can I Work with Them on a Per-Campaign Basis?

In most cases, you can do both. 

As mentioned above, crypto marketing agencies will either charge a one-time fee on a per-campaign basis or a retainer fee per month. It all depends on your budget and what you’re looking for.

If your budget allows for it, you may want to consider a retainer fee compared to a one-off fee. The reason for this is, is because you’ll likely get more for your money and it may be considerably cheaper.

For instance, a retainer fee of £3,000 per month is better than paying £15,000 for a project that will end in three months. Depending on the cryptocurrency marketing agency you pick, you should discuss with them the packages and options they provide to find the right deal for you.

Do Crypto Marketing Firms Provide Marketing Services for ICOs?

Yes, they do. One of the crypto marketing services they provide is initial coin offering (ICO) and initial exchange offering (IEO) marketing.

If you need assistance with ICO marketing, the best crypto marketing agencies will help you plan and implement successful token sales by developing the best marketing strategies. To achieve this, crypto marketing companies craft informative whitepapers, use strategic advertising to target the right audience, and create eye-catching websites.

Using crypto marketing firms who have experience in this industry will help you and your company get the results you need.

How Do I Choose the Best Crypto Marketing Agency?

Choosing the best crypto marketing agency will depend on a few factors. Here we list a few pointers to help you decide:

  • Pick an agency that has the relevant crypto experience and a good track record at delivering successful crypto marketing projects
  • Look into the skillset of the marketing team to determine how experienced they are and what they can bring to your marketing strategy
  • Research the variety of projects that a cryptocurrency marketing agency has worked on. Make sure they aren’t too specialised that they don’t match your needs
  • Ensure that they provide a variety of services as your needs may grow as your project progresses, which is why it’s a good idea to pick a marketing company that offers a broad range of services
  • Take the time to look into the marketing company’s past clients to see how satisfied they were. Also read any crypto marketing agency reviews to get an overall feel of a company

These are just a few factors to consider when picking a crypto marketing company, but they should help you narrow down your choices.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-changing crypto landscape having a crypto marketing company to push your business ahead of your competitors is the way forward.

It doesn’t matter if your company is a highly established powerhouse or a new project gearing up to launch an ICO or presale, the best crypto marketing agencies can bring in new investors, reach a wider audience, and give you the edge you need.

If you’ve been thinking about hiring a crypto marketing team, but weren’t sure where to look, hopefully, this article has given you the information you need to make an informed decision.

Methodology - How We Picked the Best Crypto Marketing Agencies for 2024

The crypto marketing agencies covered in their guide were picked following thorough research and reviews. The factors we focused on when looking at these agencies included company reputation, services, the team behind them, and their prices.

The best crypto marketing firms listed deliver optimal results in a competitive market, helping to give companies the edge they need to get ahead.

Check out our why trust us and how we test pages for more information on our testing process.


Is it possible to trial a crypto marketing agency before I sign up for a longer retainer?
Some of the crypto marketing agencies offer the option of booking a demo call with them to see how they work and to find out if what they offer is right for you
What sort of results can I expect from a top crypto marketing agency?
You can expect greater audience numbers, effective content and PR marketing, and better ROI
Are there any top crypto marketing agencies that charge on a pay-per-results basis?
You’ll need to do your research on whether they do. Most offer a pay-per-project fee or a monthly retainer.