3 Changes That Could Make Electroneum Extremely Successful

3 Changes That Could Make Electroneum Extremely Successful

By Benson Toti - min read
Updated 21 March 2023

Electroneum was one of the most discussed cryptocurrencies of the past year. Even though it’s somewhat of a household name (at least among crypto traders), ETN has fallen out of favor in some circles. Despite this, Electroneum is an active project. According to recent conversations within the Electroneum (ETN) community, there are a number of actions that could be taken to bring Electroneum back into the forefront of the industry.

3 Things Electroneum Should Change

3 things electroneum needs to improve
3 things electroneum needs to improve

Many suggestions have been made by the community over the past few months. We’ve looked at a lot of material about Electroneum, and selected some of the most common community requests.

1. Hire More and Better Developers

Electroneum has lost some credibility in the past because of technology failures. Projects deemed ready for the public were anything but, and the company has had to backtrack to fix problems that should have been weeded out during testing.

This can happen with any development community, but Electroneum’s dev team isn’t the largest in the space. By hiring more first-class devs, Electroneum could truly lead with technology, just like they should have been all along and the could see more people opting to buy ETN.

2. Sensible Marketing

Electroneum marketing is something of a “feast or famine” situation. Either the name is ubiquitous on the internet (despite there being nothing specific to promote) or there’s radio static from Electroneum marketing.

ETN needs to advertise what they currently have available, which is considerable. Marketing about future developments, as they did with the Electroneum ICO, should only happen when these updates are very close at hand.

3. Improved Community Communication

Electroneum doesn’t communicate steadily with its users and investors. This is a shame, because these individuals are enthusiastic early adopters. They can become discouraged if communication is infrequent or opaque.

Furthermore, Electroneum should communicate on many fronts: Reddit, other forums, Facebook, Telegram, even third-world platforms – anywhere their users focus their attention. Without doing this, ETN prices will likely languish in periods without strong tech updates.

These pieces of advice could apply to many different cryptocurrency teams. Even though ICOs have raised billions, many well-known development teams are understaffed and/or underfunded. By focusing on these community requests, these projects can dig themselves out of the pit.

More about Electroneum


Featured image source: Flickr
