Blockchain Skills Are the Number One In-Demand Ability

Blockchain Skills Are the Number One In-Demand Ability

By Benson Toti - min read
Updated 21 March 2023

A blog post from the LinkedIn professional networking platform states that blockchain skills are currently the most highly sought after skill in the business world.

The rising demand for blockchain skills
Image courtesy of Pixabay

The Results of Their Research

LinkedIn looked at the demand for the different skills listed on their site. They then compared this to the rates of hire for them. For this study, the only cities taken into account were those with 100,000 or more LinkedIn members.

As the site has an estimated 575 million members, this was a fairly extensive study. The results showed blockchain skills in the number one slot. This is particularly impressive since this wasn’t even on their list of skills in the previous year’s study.

Last year, it was cloud computing that was top of their list. This year, it dropped down to second place, behind blockchain abilities. Third was analytical reasoning. Fourth was artificial intelligence.

They also looked at the soft skills that companies are most interested in. The top three are creativity, persuasion and collaboration. A blockchain expert with these soft skills would be the most desirable candidate of all.

Why Does This Matter?

This survey shows that the world’s biggest companies are looking for blockchain developers. This is good news for the industry. It shows that they are working on blockchain projects or are planning to do so.

LinkedIn mention IBM, Oracle, American Express, JPMorgan Chase, Amazon and Microsoft as all being interested in the blockchain. This means that they are thinking of using shared digital ledgers in one way or another. It is also possible that we all soon vote using the blockchain chain.

This demand for blockchain skills doesn’t indicate that all of these huge companies will launch their own coins. However, it does show that the blockchain is here to stay. The world’s biggest and most valuable businesses are looking for ways to build it into their business.

More people now understand Bitcoin and are comfortable with other altcoins. This means that they can start to see how cryptocurrencies can enhance their lives.

How Can You Gain Blockchain Skills?

Right now, this is a skill that many people want to learn. Thankfully, blockchain training and education courses are beginning to become more popular.

These are available from online courses and universities around the world. You can study at the likes of the University of Nicosia in Cyprus or Princeton in the USA and the Universidad Europea in Spain.

2020 is likely to see blockchain skills become even more sought after. Studying in this area could prove to be a great career move.
