CREDITS is a platform designed to use self executing smart contracts and a public data registry in blockchain systems, to create services that the particular market is estimated to be worth trillions of dollars. Their exclusive blockchain technology offers paradigm-shifting capabilities to industries, as well as applications, and users that require scalability that is currently unmatched.
No other blockchain platform can meet their speed!
CREDITS open blockchain platform is capable of executing more than 1,000,000 transactions per second, at a speed of 0.01 seconds. The transaction fees being low mean high-volume applications are possible, much more than on other blockchain currently available. They use autonomous smart contracts and have internal cryptocurrency.
What’s next for CREDITS?
With the Alpha version ahead of schedule, the full release should be about four months later. Escrow will be used for the funds; they will be available during phases after the Alpha launch and full release. They have a cap of 20 million USD, which they say is a reasonable amount compared to other projects with more funds and less growth than CREDITS.
When asked about the ICO, CREDITS CTO and co-founder has said, although not everything went smoothly, that by looking at their feedback, they have managed to find their weak points and work out the algorithm. They are inspired to use their feedback to create a high quality product, and to do this they are preparing their new release of the Alpha version, with the aim of any problems being eliminated.
CREDITS have decided that to involve all of their ICO participants in escrow, they will create a new escrow scheme. They have announced formally that 20% of the funds collected are to be kept in a special wallet. This will only be unlocked when 50% of their ERC20 tokens are exchanged to internal coin on their platform; it has the ability to eventually move beyond this platform and into its own form of cryptocurrency.
More than a hundred projects are prepared to implement CREDITS platform. The projects plan to use them for a large number of services, including using CREDITS smart contracts, enabling clients to use their internal cryptocurrency to pay for data, and even using the platform as a base for their industry.
We have huge plans and we will carry on working hard and productively. We are going to update the platform every week and add new options of working with smart contracts’’.
Igor Chugunov (CREDITS CEO and founder) On CREDITS future plans.
CREDITS introduces technologies that solve some of the present problems with blockchain, this alone makes projects like this in big demand.
Unlike the traditional Bitcoin system, CREDITS’ registry is a per-transaction recording system, because it works in asynchronous mode while the registry is being recorded; it achieves a consensus. They also save up to 90% space and reduce time to load data by compressing information.
Their state-of-the-art smart contracts offer new features, such as extended API, schedules and other features missing from alternative platforms.
To find out more about CREDITS head to their website or follow them below:
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