Fluffy Coin, Meme Coin from Teenage Youtuber that Hit a $1 Million Cap in 24 hours – Should You Buy?

Fluffy Coin, Meme Coin from Teenage Youtuber that Hit a $1 Million Cap in 24 hours – Should You Buy?

When teenage YouTuber Biaheza decided to create Fluffy Coin, it was all in good fun and games. In fact, the young California resident wanted to show his followers on social media and other platforms just how easy it is to create a meme coin. He even insisted during the video that people should not buy Fluffy Coin. Here is how things unfolded:

  • The Teenage YouTube sensation announces he’s about to create a $ 1 million coin

  • Creates a website and a fake “Developer” team to back the project

  • In 24 hours, the coin is at $ 1 million and it soon starts to gain traction

  • A community of Fluffy investors forms and soon, the coin is listed on Coinbase. Goes on to hit a $4.2 Million market cap.

Data Source: Coinmarketcap.com

How Did Fluffy Coin Become Huge?

As with all meme coins, Fluffy Coin rode the wave of social media and influencer publicity to scale its height. It had no developers backing it or a team behind it. The Youtuber just copy-pasted a crypto code and boom, Fluffy Coin was born. 

However, things got serious. Within 24 hours of creating the coin, it had gone from zero to a market cap of $1 Million. But things didn’t end there. At the time of writing this post, the meme coin was already at $4.2 million in market cap.

Should You Buy Fluffy Coin?

Meme coins can make you a ton of money in a short time. It all depends on how soon you get in and how long you ride the growth. As for the Fluffy coin, it seems the coin has reached its full potential. It is after all a one-man team, or so it appears, and since it was created just for fun in the first place, there is really no upside right now to invest.