I’M AERO (I AM AERO) Has Executed the First Spam Mailing in The World Through the Ethereum Blockchain!

I’M AERO (I AM AERO) Has Executed the First Spam Mailing in The World Through the Ethereum Blockchain!

By Oliver Carding - min read
Updated 25 May 2020

I’M AERO is an innovative company in many aspects. Its main product is not related to cryptocurrency (helicopter production), but the company uses an ICO to raise funds. 

Our team plans to mass produce helicopters aiming to solve problems in different parts of the world. 

We conducted a spam mailing on the 26th of March using the Ethereum network and ERC223 tokens. The mailing is an advertisement promoting the I’m AERO token sale.
Spam mailing took place on 26th March 2018. It has been done through the Ethereum.

Due to Ethereum blockchain being open source, we chose more than 100 000 people using special software. The key advantage of this sample is its relevance. 

We consider this type of mailing to be an effective alternative for promoting an ICO to the target audience and an alternative to Facebook and Google who have both banned ICO ads. Moreover the existing ban limits the possibility of contact with the target audience from relevant channels. 

Our marketing specialists believe that if ICO projects were to advertise in this way the Ethereum network could become overloaded and lead to problems if it is exploited.

You can find the proof and details of the spam mailing code here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x400c73395bbc01d9e757f0.. 
