Nousplatform announces Pre-Sale on November 30th

Nousplatform announces Pre-Sale on November 30th

Investment environment is going through the times of global changes. The rise of the digital currency is changing the rules of engagement of the financial markets. Cryptocurrency is playing a role of an attractive and highly liquid asset and opening a well-known investing niche. In the nearest future, investments into tokenized assets might supersede a regular investment format.

This new emerging trend on the market creates a demand for the investment funds that will be managing crypto assets. And as always, huge opportunity met with a range of challenges, and the team of the Nousplatform founders came up with the solution to overcome them.

The Nousplatform is designed to provide a transparent and secure interaction between investors and decentralized investment funds. The project takes an innovative approach for creation of the Decentralized Funds, which allows the blockchain technology implementation in the investment environment and tackles such an issues as raising capital, transparency of the exchange, decentralized and secure repository of investors’ assets, high liquidity, eliminates intermediaries, and much more.

The scale of the utility and application of the Nousplatform for this new segment of the market is unprecedented. Very soon a large number of hedge funds, investment banks and companies, as well as family, private, and venture funds will switch to the Blockchain technology to improve performance, security, profitability and decrease liability.


The Pre-Sale of NOUS tokens, which were released on the Ethereum blockchain according to ERC20 standard, will start on November 30th 2017. You can acquire them at the rate of 8000 NOUS tokens = 1 ETH. By Pre-Ordering you can buy tokens with a 50% bonus, which equals to 9600 NOUS tokens for 1 ETH. These tokens will be credited to the account on the first day of sale. The Soft cap is $1.6 million at the Pre-Sale stage. The total maximum amount (hard cap) within the ICO is $25 million in the fiat equivalent. All unsold tokens after the ICO will be permanently terminated.

Nousplatform possesses all the elements in order to make the market understandable and accessible for everyone. Our expertise in creating the tools and application of most advanced and innovative technology brings a lot of confidence in the investment environment. We are creating a product, that will give the entirely new level of confidence for the interactions and transparency for the investors and investment funds.

Nousplatform – confident investment begins with us.

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