Restore (REST) Sees Price Rally By 290% — Where to Buy

Restore (REST) Sees Price Rally By 290% — Where to Buy

By Jack Pearson - min read
A pair of hands planting a plant in cracked soil

Restore’s price rally arrived after the rebound seen in the wider market yesterday.

Restore (REST) has seen its price rally from a low of $0.00080061 up to a high of $0.00723907 in the last 24 hours.

This has translated to a large price gain of 290% as traders rushed in to buy Restore yesterday.

According to the site’s website the project’s use case is to allow its users to “take a break”:

We built a platform to help you take a break! We are reinventing the wheel when it comes to earning cryptocurrency. The Restore Team wants to inspire people to evaluate what’s important and help you remember to take time for yourself, your hobbies, and loved ones by providing you with an easy-to-use application that rewards you through passive token issuance, the REST token. We simply want you to put down your mobile device and enjoy your life!”

Where to buy Restore


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Why has Restore’s price gone up?

Restore has seen its volume rise by 1,356%, resulting in a volume of $484,220 over the last 24 hours.

This is still relatively low volume compared to higher capped coins such as Bitcoin. However the increased volume does suggest that traders have been increasingly looking to buy Restore over the last 24 hours – leading to its price hike.

Restore only launched earlier this month, so it’s hard to say if the coin has any long standing value to it at this early time. However, coins have been known to boost to high prices in value despite being very new to the market, which could be the case one day for projects like Restore too.