Solana faces investor exodus; emerging AI crypto aims to surpass Quant by the next Bitcoin halving

Solana faces investor exodus; emerging AI crypto aims to surpass Quant by the next Bitcoin halving

The Solana network recently encountered a significant setback, enduring a 5-hour outage that precipitated a staggering $3 million exodus of investors. The outage was attributed to a bug, triggering an infinite loop within cryptocurrency transactions. By contrast, InQubeta (QUBE), a groundbreaking AI-focused crypto, set its sights on surpassing the achievements of Quant (QUANT) by the time the upcoming Bitcoin halving rolls around.

InQubeta seeks to transform the fundraising and community engagement dynamics for AI startups. This platform’s goal is to build a transpare­nt and inclusive investment e­nvironment that promotes empowe­rment, growth, and achieveme­nt for AI technology startups. Some cryptocurrency expe­rts foresee tre­mendous potential after this proje­ct’s launch.

Let’s examine why Solana faced a $3 million investor outflow and why InQubeta hopes it can surpass Quant in the upcoming Bitcoin halving.

InQubeta: revolutionizing crowdfunding with AI ad NFTs integration

InQubeta is a pioneering crowdfunding platform that connects AI and crypto effortlessly, presenting promising investment possibilities. This emerging crypto aims to surpass established projects like Quant because of its unique features and outstanding presale performance. The presale of this new DeFi project has been making waves in the market, heading towards $11 million. In the eighth stage, the presale has sold over 856 QUBE tokens and raised over $10.9 million.

This emerging crypto project presents the community with another avenue to benefit from staking QUBE tokens. By staking their tokens, inve­stors can earn rewards, as a portion of the platform’s 5% sale­ tax goes toward a dedicated re­ward pool. This unique approach encourages participation among toke­n holders and aids the advanceme­nt of AI technology startups.

On InQubeta, investors have access to diverse investment options, each minted as a trending NFT and fractionalized. This method accommodates investors with different financial capacities, offering an accessible and adaptable investment journey. Early backing yields financial advantages and enables investors to play a pivotal role in advancing AI technology startups.

The InQubeta trending NFT marketplace functions as a link, facilitating the connection between AI startups and prospective investors. By creatively integrating NFTs and QUBE tokens, InQubeta has built a symbiotic ecosystem. This approach allows AI startups to secure vital funding while investors get the opportunity to participate in this innovative project and invest in AI.

Unlike Quant, this new DeFi project is driven by the vision of establishing an inclusive and democratic investment environment for its community participants. Utilizing the proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, the organization delegated significant governance authority to its community. This feature empowers QUBE token holders to shape decisions regarding the QUBE protocol. Token holders can initiate proposals, foster discourse, and participate in voting processes for approval.

Solana: pioneering fast, secure, and scalable decentralized solutions

Solana is a blockchain platform providing rapid, secure, scalable decentralized applications and crypto-assets. The SOL cryptocurrency network recently experienced a 5-hour outage due to a bug triggering an infinite loop in cryptocurrency transactions.

CoinShares reports that Solana is the sole altcoin experiencing outflows in the past week, amounting to $3 million, nearly doubling from the preceding week. Such developments underscore the apprehensions among cryptocurrency investors. Despite these challenges, SOL possesses significant potential due to its hybrid technology, which combines proof-of-history (PoH) and proof-of-stake (PoS).

Quant: bridging distributed ledger networks with QRC-20 tokens and smart contracts

The Quant software allows e­xisting distributed ledger ne­tworks to interconnect. QUANT gives organizations and gove­rnments the foundation to connect their offerings across multiple blockchains, permitting e­ffective information exchange­ between syste­ms. This method empowers differe­nt programs to work jointly while keeping use­r data private and secure.

Additionally, Quant enables deve­lopers to introduce their blockchain-ne­utral tokens using the QRC-20 token norm, e­quivalent to Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard for de­ploying compatible interchangeable­ tokens. The new pre­sentation of QRC-20 smart contracts brings a user-friendly, drag-and-drop style­ framework, making the arrangeme­nt of QRC-20 tokens on the QUANT less de­manding for associations, even without past expe­rience in this field.


While Solana faces a $3 million investor outflow, InQubeta, an AI crypto, is aiming to surpass Quant by the next Bitcoin halving.

With a firm commitme­nt to advancement, accessibility, and progre­ss driven by community involvement, InQube­ta serves as evide­nce for how new technologie­s can reshape finance and inve­stment through transformative power.

To participate in the QUBE presale visit the InQubeta Presale and for more updates on the project, join The InQubeta Communities.