Bancor Network Token (BNT)’s trading volume increased by 41% in the last 24 hours.
Basic Attention Token (BAT)’s trading volume saw an increase of 50% in the last 24 hours.
Both tokens have the potential to increase in value by the end of February 2022.
Bancor is a blockchain protocol that lets users convert different virtual cryptocurrency tokens directly and instantly, powered by the BNT cryptocurrency token.
Basic Attention Token is a blockchain-based system that tracks the media consumption time of users, as well as their attention on websites while using the Brave browser, powered by the BAT cryptocurrency token.
Should you buy Bancor Network Token (BNT)?
On January 22, 2022, Bancor Network Token (BNT) had a value of $2.29.
In order for us to see what this value point means for the BNT token, we will go over its all-time high point alongside the performance of the token last month.
Bancor Network Token (BNT)’s all-time high value was on January 9, 2018, when the token reached a value of $10.72. This means that at its ATH value point, the token was $8.43 higher in value or by 368%.
In terms of the performance in December, the highest point of value was on December 1 with a value of $4.26, while the lowest point was on December 15, with a value of $3.05. This means the token decreased in value by $1.21 or by 28%.
With this in mind, at $2.29, the BNT token is a solid buy as it has the potential to reach $3 by the end of February 2022.
Should you buy Basic Attention Token (BAT)?
On January 22, 2022, Basic Attention Token (BAT) had a value of $0.70
In order for us to actually see what this value point means for the token, we will go over its ATH value alongside its performance in December.
Basic Attention Token (BAT)’s all-time high value was on November 28, 2021, when the token reached a value of $1.90. This means that the token was $1.2 higher in value or by 171% at its all-time high.
In terms of the performance of the token in December, on December 1, we saw its highest point at $1.61, while its lowest point was on December 15, with a value of $0.99. Here, we can see that the token decreased in value by $0.62 or by 38%.
With this in mind, at $0.70, BAT is a worthwhile purchase due to the fact that it can reach $1 by the end of February 2022.