Win Bitcoin Every Tuesday With Miningpool

Win Bitcoin Every Tuesday With Miningpool

Since our very soft launch in December 2014, has had over 20,000 visitors from over 100 countries.  The site which was initially purchased with the view of running a mining pool originally had only one writer, contributing stories purely about mining.

Since January we have been working with an array of writers, all of whom have contributed articles which have helped grow the site to the point where we now receive over 6,000 unique visitors a month.

To thank our readers for their continual support, promote Bitcoin and help grow the site even further we are pleased to announce our new weekly giveaway.

Every Tuesday, starting today we will be hiding a golden pickaxe symbol in a post from the previous 7 days. Simply click the link to be tipped $5 worth of Bitcoin via Changetip.


Every Tuesday we will announce the start of the weekly competition on Twitter.