We are aware of numerous websites which use false celebrity endorsements to send customers to unregulated brokers or call centers. Our website will only send customers to partners who have provided us with the required regulatory assurances. This is a marketing offer and our regulated partners will indicate what services they have available upon registration.

Prime Advantage Review 2024 - An Honest Review by a Trader

Open Account
By Onose Enaholo - Updated 24 June 2024
Fact Checked
We are aware

Prime Advantage is a trading service that allows ordinary people to trade CFDs on stocks and crypto-like assets. It’s a fast-growing and well-liked bot that helps beginners and experienced traders with cryptocurrency trading.

This bot says it can give great results using data analysis, math patterns, and automatic actions.

The big question is, can we believe what this bot promises about making money?

Let’s figure it out together.

Our Investigation Result: Prime Advantage Seems Legitimate!

In our complete review of Prime Advantage, we’ll dig into how it works and look at its features, good points, and not-so-good points. We aim to help you decide if this trading bot is something you should spend time on.

After researching and looking closely, we’ve found that Prime Advantage is a trustworthy platform for trading cryptocurrencies. We’ve double-checked everything they say through our tests, and the bot passed.

If you’re curious and want to try, you can easily make a free account using the link below. A helpful account manager will walk you through the whole process.

Table of Contents

Prime Advantage Summary

Minimum Deposit $250
Fees and Commission None
Claimed Success Rate 90%+
Supported Cryptocurrencies 14
Deposit and Withdrawal Fees None
Trading Platform MT4
Demo Account Yes
Verification KYC
Leverage 100:1
Min Deposit
$ 250
User Score
Enjoy a transparent fee structure with competitive rates
Interact with our AI chatbot for instant queries
Experience the future of trading with Augmented Reality features
Visit Site
Payment Methods:
Debit Card, Credit Card, Wire Transfer
Full Regulations:
We are aware of numerous websites which use false celebrity endorsements to send customers to unregulated brokers or call centers. Our website will only send customers to partners who have provided us with the required regulatory assurances. This is a marketing offer and our regulated partners will indicate what services they have available upon registration.

What Is Prime Advantage?

Prime Advantage is an automatic bot for trading cryptocurrencies. Its main goal is to make profitable trades on behalf of its users, saving them time and effort.

This is especially helpful for new traders who need extra help to trade well. The bot works every day, so you can make the most of trading times in different parts of the world, no matter the time zone, and even while you’re asleep or not using your trading apps.

Who Created Prime Advantage?

The people behind Prime Advantage have decided to remain anonymous. However, we understand that making a bot like this requires software, math, and finance experts.

This suggests a team of finance experts, software makers, and math whizzes are the brains behind the bot. While it’s common for crypto projects to stay anonymous, we suggest being careful with projects that don’t reveal their founders. Still, our tests show that the bot works nicely.

How Does Prime Advantage Work?

The way Prime Advantage operates is all about math. It uses math models to examine how different market things are connected. The bot guesses how these numbers might change over time by studying them.

It keeps checking the market, uses math models to understand market information, sees how market stuff acts, and predicts how prices change. When it makes a prediction, the bot starts trades that could make a lot of profit and watches them closely until the profit goal is reached.

You can set how much profit you want and how much loss you’re okay with. The bot uses these settings to pick which trades to do.

Prime Advantage is linked to brokers for cryptocurrencies. It’s like a safe place for your money. To make trades, the bot uses Contracts for Differences (CFDs). These are stand-ins for crypto prices, so you can trade without owning cryptocurrencies.

This is a general idea of how Prime Advantage might work, as most bots don’t share all their secrets. The best bots keep their unique ways of doing things secret to stay ahead.

To start trading with Prime Advantage, you must put at least $250 in your brokerage account. But there’s also a demo mode if you want to try out the features without putting in real money.

Pros And Cons Of Using Prime Advantage


  • Automated Trading
  • Advanced Algorithms
  • Diverse Asset Selection
  • 24/7 Trading
  • Potential for Profit


  • Risk of Loss
  • Complexity
  • No Human Judgment
  • Market Volatility

Prime Advantage's 5 Key Features

User-Friendly Design

Prime Advantage is built to be easy for traders of all levels. Its design is straightforward, with icons that are simple to understand and functions that are easy to use. However, beginners need some time to grasp everything fully.

Demo Account

Prime Advantage allows users to try things out with a demo account. This way, you can test the features without risking real money. This is great for beginners and experts because it lets them get used to the platform and try strategies using real market data.

Trade Different Things

Unlike other platforms that only trade cryptocurrencies, Prime Advantage lets you trade stocks and currency pairs (Forex) using CFDs. This means you can explore more markets without finding good trading opportunities.

Customer Service

Prime Advantage has customer support all day, every day. They can help you set up your account, answer questions about trading, and solve technical problems. You can get help through email, live chat, and phone calls. You’ll get quicker responses from live chat and phone calls if things are urgent.

Low Costs

Even though Prime Advantage says it’s free, there’s a small extra cost when you trade CFDs. This cost is added to the difference between what you pay and what you get when you trade. But this way, you can still use the services without paying a direct fee.

Things To Think About Before Using Prime Advantage

Deposit Methods and Limits: 4/5

Prime Advantage lets you use different ways to put money in, like bank transfers, credit cards, and digital wallets like PayPal. They also accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.

The smallest amount you can put in is $250. Credit cards are fast but might cost more. Bank transfers can be cheaper, especially if money and location conditions are good. Digital wallets are handy if they work in your country.

Customer Service: 4/5

Prime Advantage’s way of helping is good. People with accounts can talk through live chat, phone, and email. You can use your phone and email if you don’t have an account.

Getting Your Money Out: 4.1/5

You can take out your money from Prime Advantage, but there could be limits on the people who handle payments. It usually takes about a day to get your money, but this can change based on how much you take out, how many transactions there are, and other tech stuff. They might want to check your identity to be extra safe.

Verification System: 4.4/5

Signing up for Prime Advantage is easy. You just need an ID from the government and something to prove where you live. This is for checking that you’re real. It’s a quick process; they only ask for what’s needed. It takes about 20 minutes to finish everything for both the platform and the broker they work with.

Safety: 5/5

Prime Advantage cares about keeping your information safe. They use good technology to ensure your personal and financial information is secure. Their safety measures, like 2FA, work well. Nobody has said they’ve had any problems.

User Testimonials: 5/5

Most people say good things about Prime Advantage. We looked at places where people share their thoughts and what they’ve experienced to see if they’re happy with how the platform works.

Affiliated Brokers: 5/5

Prime Advantage teams up with brokers with good reputations who are watched by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Because there are a lot of partners, we could only check on them a bit. Before signing up, ensure the broker you’re picking is okay and trustworthy.

Charges: 5/5

Using Prime Advantage doesn’t cost a lot. They don’t ask for any service fees. They make money by adding a tiny bit to the difference between what you pay and what you get when trading cryptocurrencies. This doesn’t mess up how you trade. Our own experience matches up with what they say. We didn’t have to pay to use the robot.

Is Prime Advantage A Legitimate Auto-Trading Platform?

Although we can’t guarantee with absolute certainty, our research suggests that Prime Advantage is not involved in fraudulent activities. The website shows proof of many successful traders using the bot, and we’ve found real testimonials that back up its claims.

Furthermore, the way the bot works doesn’t raise any red flags; it handles deposits and withdrawals smoothly and doesn’t follow the shady practices of some untrustworthy brokers who go against their users’ interests. So far, we haven’t discovered any signs of wrongdoing.

Is Prime Advantage Safe?

The safety of any online platform depends on how well it’s protected, and Prime Advantage has taken standard safety measures. Our check showed they use SSL encryption to secure their website.

We also contacted our IT contacts, who confirmed the platform has defences like network and platform firewalls. These keep out harmful traffic and web stuff that could cause problems. And regarding rules, Prime Advantage verifies user identities with KYC steps to ensure everything is legit.

6 Strong Reasons To Pick Prime Advantage For Trading

Your Way Of Trading

Prime Advantage is made for everyone, from beginners to pros. It has ready-to-go settings that are easy to use. But if you know your stuff, you can change things up, use unique signs, and even make the bot do advanced plans (with some limits).

Lightning-Fast Trading

Prime Advantage trades super quick, even faster than any human can. This is a big deal. It’s perfect for when you want to do arbitrage or follow news events. If there’s a sudden drop, it quickly does things to keep your money safe.

Always Ready

The crypto world never sleeps, and neither does Prime Advantage. Once you turn it on, it sticks to its plan. It keeps looking at the market to find good things to do. And then it goes ahead and does them.

Not Expensive

Using Prime Advantage doesn’t cost a lot. They don’t ask for fees. You can even test your ideas in the demo before you start. Also, unlike others that take some of your profits, Prime Advantage doesn’t touch what you make.

Do It Without Stress

Trading can be a lot of work, with lots of checking and thinking. But with Prime Advantage’s automated stuff, you don’t have to worry. Set things up at the start, and the bot handles the rest. It also ensures you take only a slight risk on different deals.

Get More From Your Trades

Prime Advantage uses its big brain to crunch lots of numbers. This makes it good at making money, even better than many experienced traders. We can’t give exact numbers, but it’s successful about 90% of the time or even more. While it’s not perfect, it gives you a good shot at making money.

Enhancing Your Trading with Prime Advantage

There are many ways traders can get the most out of Prime Advantage, no matter their skill level. Beginners often like simple stuff and easy plans, while those with more experience go for fancy signs and intelligent strategies. But whether you’re new or a pro, you can get started with a trial run using a demo account.

The demo mode is an excellent way for newbies to get used to trading, try strategies, and learn to control risk. At the same time, pros can use the demo mode to fine-tune what they’re already doing, test out new signs, and aim for more profit.

Once you’re comfortable practicing in the demo mode, you can move on to the real deal with a live account. This might be optional if you’re already a trading expert since you already know what works. But if you’re new, you can try the automated mode to improve your trading. Just put in your trading rules and let the bot do its thing.

First, watch the bot closely when it starts. If it’s going well, you can slowly relax and let the bot do most of the work independently.

Did Prime Advantage Get Featured On TV Or Endorsed By Celebrities?

There’s been talk online that Prime Advantage got some screen time on TV shows and shout-outs from big-name stars. So, we rolled up our sleeves and dug into it. Here’s what we found:

TV Appearances

Some stories said Prime Advantage was after money from famous TV shows like Dragons Den and Shark Tank. But guess what? After looking around, we were still looking for proof that Prime Advantage ever showed up on these shows.

There’s no record of them asking investors for cash on Dragons Den or Shark Tank. People said Prime Advantage was on a CNBC show, but we checked, and no episode had Prime Advantage or talked about what it does.

Celeb Support

There were whispers that Prime Advantage teamed up with famous faces to talk up its stuff. But after some digging, we couldn’t find anything that makes these claims real.

Elon Musk’s tweets have shaken up the crypto world, but he isn’t linked with Prime Advantage. Our search didn’t show Elon Musk having anything to do with the bot.

Bill Gates, who started Microsoft, isn’t a big fan of cryptocurrencies and has yet to give them a thumbs-up. Our research didn’t find any connection between Bill Gates and Prime Advantage.

Mark Cuban knows his way around crypto, especially NFTs. But Mark Cuban and Prime Advantage have yet to join forces, as people have said.

Long story short, there’s no hard proof that Prime Advantage got on TV or got pats on the back from celebs. It’s super important to stick with the information you know is valid when you’re checking out whether things like this are real.

5 Safety Steps for Using Prime Advantage and Managing Risk

1. Begin Carefully

If you’re new to trading, it’s wise to go slowly, even if your trading bot is super accurate. Don’t risk more money than you can handle losing. The market can be surprising, and things you don’t expect can happen. Only use the money you’re okay with losing if things don’t go as planned.

2. Get To Know Crypto

Keep learning, especially about money stuff. Even if you’re using a trading bot, you should know what’s happening in the crypto world. Stay up to date with big news, reports, and changes in the market. This way, you can make good choices and build effective strategies.

3. Write Down Your Deals

Keep a record of all your trades and transactions. This helps you understand your trading style and what strategies work for you. It’s also suitable for taxes because many places need information about your crypto activities.

4. Save Some Cash

Instead of putting all your profits back in, think about taking a bit out and investing it elsewhere. This gives you a backup plan if something unexpected happens to your trading account. If you’re more into trading, you can keep this money in a savings account.

5. Listen To The Experts

Getting advice from money or trading pros can be helpful if you’re new. Even experienced traders can get excellent ideas from talking to others. Follow well-known people in the crypto world, but be careful and pick folks with a history of giving good advice. Twitter is an excellent place to start for tips, but look for solid, not just popular, information.

Getting Started With Prime Advantage - Step-By-Step Guide

Starting with Prime Advantage is easy. If you’ve decided to try this auto-trading bot, just follow these simple steps:

1. Make An Account

Go to the Prime Advantage website and fill out the form with your name, email, and phone number. They’ll send you an email to confirm.

2. Finish The Signup

Click the link in the email to confirm your new account. Then, prove who you are by sending a photo of your ID and a piece of paper that shows your name and where you live, like a bill or a bank note. When that’s done, pick a good broker and open an account with them.

3. Think About How You’ll Trade

Now decide how you want to trade. You can try new things, use stuff you know, or make your own way to do it. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect right away. You can try things out in the demo mode first.

4. Play Around In The Demo

Test your trading ideas in the demo mode. If you’re new, your first plan might not work as you thought, and that’s okay. Use this time to get better and make your plan work.

5. Add Some Money

When you’re ready, put money in your account to start trading for real. You need at least $250. Make sure the ways to put cash in work for you.

6. Let It Trade For You

With your real account set up, turn on automatic trading to use the strategy you made before. Now, Prime Advantage will trade for you, so you don’t have to worry.

Exploring Opportunities With Prime Advantage: Assets, Markets, And Choices

What’s Tradable On Prime Advantage?

Prime Advantage lets you trade with more than 14 different cryptocurrencies. This includes big names like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

On top of that, you can also get into stocks and currency pairs. Using Contracts for Differences (CFDs), you can play around with over 30 pairs of cryptocurrencies. This means you can make money whether the market goes up or down.

For instance, imagine a trader starting with a $300 bet on Bitcoin going up when it’s priced at $20,000 per BTC. If the price goes up to $23,000, they will earn $45. But if the price drops to $18,000, they’d lose $30.

What About Leverage?

Prime Advantage offers leverage of up to 100:1 in some places like Cyprus, Malta, and the Seychelles. But remember, this kind of leverage isn’t allowed in the US. Leverage is like borrowing money to make more significant trades. It sounds good but also brings significant risks, like losing money. So, if you use leverage, ensure you’re ready to handle the risks.

What Are the Spreads?

The price difference on Prime Advantage depends on many things, like the crypto pairs, the brokers, and the platforms. To know the exact numbers, it’s best to look at what the brokers say on their websites. Just keep in mind that the prices can change a lot depending on how the market is doing.

Final Thoughts

Prime Advantage is an automated bot tailored for cryptocurrency trading, focusing on well-known assets like Bitcoin and other digital money. This software uses data analysis to determine how the market behaves and predict what might happen next based on past patterns. Then, it uses this information to make automatic trades.

The platform is built for all kinds of traders, whether you’re just starting or have been around for a while. It comes with many different features that newbies will like and that pros can adjust to suit their style.

First, you’ll need to put at least $250 in your trading account. You can use different ways to add this money, like bank transfers, credit cards, PayPal, or even cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC). Sign up on their website and follow the steps to create your account and get going.

How We Looked At This (Our Review Methodology)

We collect information from many different places, like tests, reviews, and what people say on the internet. Our goal is to show you a balanced view of how Prime Advantage works, considering lots of different ideas.

We know that some people write stuff that isn’t true, so we check everything to give you an honest look at Prime Advantage. You can look at our “Why You Can Trust Us” and “How We Do Our Testing” pages for more about how we do this.

Min Deposit
$ 250
User Score
Enjoy a transparent fee structure with competitive rates
Interact with our AI chatbot for instant queries
Experience the future of trading with Augmented Reality features
Visit Site
Payment Methods:
Debit Card, Credit Card, Wire Transfer
Full Regulations:
We are aware of numerous websites which use false celebrity endorsements to send customers to unregulated brokers or call centers. Our website will only send customers to partners who have provided us with the required regulatory assurances. This is a marketing offer and our regulated partners will indicate what services they have available upon registration.


What can I expect regarding profits from Prime Advantage?
Profits can change based on how the market's doing, how good the bot is, and how brilliant your strategy is.
Is it wise to invest in Prime Advantage?
Investing in Prime Advantage can pay off if you're smart about it. Making good strategies, watching out for risks, and intelligently using the bot can mean making good money on your investment.
Is Prime Advantage a scam?
No, Prime Advantage is real. It's a bot that trades cryptocurrencies, not some kind of trick.
How can I make an account on Prime Advantage?
Just go to their website and fill out the form to sign up.
Does Prime Advantage cost money?
Nope, using Prime Advantage is free.
What if my Prime Advantage account gets frozen?
If you have problems with your account, you can get help fast from Prime Advantage's customer support. You can talk to them on the phone, email, or chat with them live.
Is Prime Advantage a pyramid scheme?
No, Prime Advantage isn't like that. It's a real bot that trades stuff. We didn't find any signs that it was a trick when we used it.
What should I do if I'm losing money with Prime Advantage?
If you're not making money with Prime Advantage, look at how the bot's working, how the market's doing, and how you're doing things. Figuring out what's going wrong will help you fix it and make more money.