Achain Seeking New Opportunities at Blockchain & Smart Contract Summit in the Middle East

Achain Seeking New Opportunities at Blockchain & Smart Contract Summit in the Middle East

Dubai, UAE, Achain joined ABitcoin and SelfSell at Blockchain & Smart Contract Summit 2018, both of which are partner teams on Achain’s ecosystem. The Summit enjoyed a wide audience, comprising of the most ambitious and enthusiastic blockchain entrepreneurs and high-tech savvy personnel.

Achain Representative with Summit Organizer

Dubai’s warm winter prove to be the just-needed antidote for attendees from cold climates. During the two-day long conference, Achain’s shared booth draw close attention from investor and blockchain developers as Achain offers an essential solution to the increasingly crowded Ethereum and other public blockchains.

Boasting more than 70 smart contracts, Achain has become ever more experienced in helping developers building their own blockchain. To provide the public with more tailored and personalized services, Achain was built with high-speed transaction rate – up to 1000 transactions per second. Once with Value Exchange Protocols (VEP) built in all of Achain’s forks, information and data can be transmitted across different forks in the future.  

The summit mirrors Dubai’s ambition to turn itself into the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 2020. Gathering at the event are companies from cybersecurity, real estate, automotive, investment agencies and other industries.