Berlin Blockchain Week Aims to Expose a Vibrant Tech Community to the World

Berlin Blockchain Week Aims to Expose a Vibrant Tech Community to the World

By Rebecca Campbell - min read
Updated 22 May 2020

Taking place between the 5-11 September, the Berlin blockchain community have organised the Berlin Blockchain Week. It it is looking to open up communication and education between innovators in the blockchain space.

Describing itself as an “agnostic movement,” that pushes mass adoption of the market through “first hand information about the industry,” BBW will centre around a series of events, exposing a vibrant tech community to the world who will gather in Berlin.

Born from an ETHBerlin meeting, the Berlin blockchain community realised they needed to step outside of their Ethereum bubble and connect with others in the industry, according to María Paula Fernández, external relations at Golem and co-creator of ETHBerlin.

“We got immediately to action, connected with all the participants of the ecosystem in Berlin via a slack channel, and let the community self-organize,” Fernández added.

As the capital and largest city of Germany, Berlin has quickly established itself as one of the most respectable ecosystems for the development of blockchain and innovations around it. It has also emerged as a development hub for projects such as the Ethereum Foundation, Gnosis, Parity, and Ocean Protocol.

According to Dr Gavin Wood, co-founder and first CTO of Ethereum, founder of Parity, Polkadot and the Web3 Foundation, the populous urban area of Berlin has a special community mentality that has brought about a strong blockchain community.

“A Guardian article on Berlin’s fledgling cryptocurrency (then just called Bitcoin) community drew my attention to it focusing on a place called Room77, the centre point of a Bitcoin-economy,” he said. “A combination of harsh circumstances over the last 30 years have drawn together people of all varieties. Industrious risk-takers with little to lose and an opportunity-driven outlook. The Berlin mentality is ready to try anything, distrustful of authority and success and yet warm to the unfamiliar and gritty. Google stay away: Berlin will not dance to any tune, but its own.”

The Berlin Blockchain Week is designed to be an open series of community driven education events that are tied to three main conferences. On 5 September, it will be the Zero Knowledge Summit. This is an event that will be focusing on the latest zk-snark applications and privacy.

On 6 September, Dezentral will be taking place. This is an inclusive blockchain conference that brings together newcomers, builders, and longtime hodlers from around the world.

Taking place between 7-9 September is ETHBerlin. This is the fourth Hackathon of the Global Series, which is committed to delivering an educational and diversified week.

Featuring a wide array of events, the BBW will see topics and projects such as RChain Devcon3, Non Fungible Future, All About Security Tokens, and East Meets West – Culture Difference in the Crypto Space, to name a few.

As the first event, its goal is to create a discussion that eliminates the background noise and connects people on a deep level in the community.
