Big Brother Nigeria tests the housemates’ with crypto quiz

Big Brother Nigeria tests the housemates’ with crypto quiz

The 18 housemates’ latest challenged involved answering questions on Bitcoin and getting creative with the cryptocurrency’s use cases

Housemates in Big Brother Nigeria took part in a Bitcoin quiz segment, with each participant receiving $500 in BTC as prize money.

The quiz segment had housemates list down possible use cases of Bitcoin for the audience, such as online payments and airtime top-up. In addition, they were also challenged to make original radio jingles. Finally, they also had to draw sketches of what a Bitcoin wallet looked like.

Questions in the quiz segment had them answering questions regarding the purpose of a Bitcoin wallet, as well as the driving force behind Bitcoin prices. The 18 housemates were also challenged to name the top five leading cryptocurrencies.

The sponsor for Big Brother’s cryptocurrency segment, Patricia, gave each participant a card loaded with $500 worth of BTC after the episode aired. All the housemates were declared winners.

Patricia is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates in Ghana and Nigeria.

Big Brother Nigeria’s first foray into cryptocurrency is a step towards raising awareness about the emerging industry within the country. Nigeria is currently Africa’s single biggest cryptocurrency market, with trading volumes that far overshadow that of their nearest rival. Data from peer to peer trading platforms indicate that they are responsible for more than 50% of traded volumes.

Some observers, such as Senator Ihenyen, believe that this new segment is a strategic investment. Senator Ihenyen is a lawyer and General Secretary associated with Stakeholders in the Blockchain Technology Association of Nigeria (SIBAN).

According to Senator Ihenyen, Big Brother Nigeria is “a show that greatly appeals to millions of young people in Nigeria. There is no doubt that the cryptocurrency quiz would make those who didn’t know anything about cryptocurrencies to become inquisitive. I see Google search for Bitcoin in Nigeria increasing”.

In Big Brother Nigeria’s last season, the show raked in over 240 million votes; 50 million of which came in the final week alone.

Senator Ihenyen also commended Patricia, the quiz sponsor, for taking an unconventional approach in presenting the campaign for Bitcoin to the masses.

“When one considers that mainstream media rarely air programs or shows about cryptocurrencies, the approach adopted by Patricia, the obvious sponsor of the quiz competition, was simply brilliant,” the senator remarked.

He noted that the brand did not just fulfill its social responsibility to boost crypto awareness; it also placed its brand at the forefront for millions of viewers around the country.