Californian schools roll out blockchain COVID tracking app

Californian schools roll out blockchain COVID tracking app

By Alice Leetham - min read
Image of students using phones

Charter schools across California will use Solve.Care’s blockchain solution to ensure the safety of staff, students and their families

Global health technology company, Solve.Care, announced in a press release yesterday that Team.Care Network – their workforce engagement solution – would be leveraged by public charter schools in California to reduce COVID-19 risks and ensure the safety of staff, students and their families.

Team.Care Network is a blockchain based solution that takes the form of a user friendly mobile application. It monitors COVID-19 exposure and other risks to the health and well-being of individuals while protecting their data privacy. Through use of the app, schools will be able to use accurate analytics when deciding on actions and if any COVID cases are detected, they can execute mitigation plans immediately.

CEO of Solve.Care, Pradeep Goel, said, “In the first application of blockchain technology in a day-to-day school setting, public California charter schools can create a safer space for students and staff while ensuring data privacy concerns are addressed through our privacy-preserving blockchain-based application.”

The roll-out of the app will initially cover 1,000 students, aged four to adult, and 100 staff across MY Academy; California Pacific Charter Schools in Los Angeles, San Diego and Sonoma counties; and office staff of the Collaborative Charter Services Organization in San Marcos.

The Collaborative Charter Services Organization’s Director of Human Resources, Corrie Amador, added, “The Solve.Care app assists us in being able to monitor staff health and reduce risk of exposure to illnesses like COVID-19. We appreciate the ease of the app for our staff and the ability to gather sensitive information in a secure environment while maintaining their privacy.”

First priority will be given to the employees who are working on site at the moment as students and teachers are presently taking part in online school activities. As the wider school community returns to institutions, Team.Care Network will be implemented on a broader basis to ensure it happens in a safe and controlled manner.

Team.Care Network has already been adopted by Angel Kids, one of the largest paediatric healthcare providers in Florida. Solve.Care also recently announced Definitize, the first decentralised autonomous organisation to use decentralised finance for healthcare.

Team.Care isn’t the first pandemic related use of blockchain technology. IBM last year released a Digital Health Pass to help people return to public places and in October, Chinese and Macau authorities employed a blockchain health code system to allow cross border tourism to resume. On top of this, Hedera Hashgraph’s distributed ledger technology has been leveraged by an ASU mobile app for COVID screening and Warwickshire NHS facilities for monitoring the vaccine.
