The popular BTC strategist explains that his day job is one key reason behind his decision to retain his anonymity.
Despite the amount of fame and prestige he derives from followers in the cryptocurrency industry, analyst PlanB has chosen to remain anonymous. In an interview with ‘In Gold We Trust’, he finally shares his reason behind making this decision.
The quantitative strategist cited his day job as one of the key reasons behind not wanting his true name out in the open.
“I do not want my employer to have any negative consequences from my Bitcoin ‘hobby’. Also, I consider it good operational security to remain anonymous.” he explained.
PlanB revealed that he is an analyst and investor at an “a large institutional investment company in the Netherlands.” His job’s main focus is on mortgages, loans, and structured finance.
PlanB is one of Bitcoin’s (BTC) most prominent strategists. He quickly became popular and enthusiastically followed during the last 12 months, after demonstrating how the stock to flow model (which divides the total supply of an asset by its annual production) showed that BTC is on its way to hitting $1 million by early 2028.
One of the biggest criticisms of this speculatory financial model, is that it does not account for the importance of overall demand for Bitcoin. However, the strategist stated that this factor was irrelevant.
“The argument is theoretically right (price is a function of supply and demand) but there are a lot of famous pricing models that do not use demand – or supply – as input and still give good predictions. Some examples of this are the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and Black & Scholes model, as both price with only risk/volatility (standard deviation, etc.)” he said.
The analyst confirmed that he is not interested in becoming a public figure and has no intention of revealing his identity.
Recently, PlanB responded to a report published from Goldman Sachs, which is currently being hotly contested by leaders in the crypto community for concluding that BTC is not a viable investment. The analyst compared Goldman’s way of thinking to the firm he works for, and reiterated that it is still too early to make lasting conclusions about crypto markets.
He tweeted, “And it is not just GS. GS presentation is how my employer and many other institutions look at Bitcoin: too volatile, a bubble, tulip mania (of course no log scale), can be hacked (refer to QuadrigaCX), Ponzi, darknet, illicit, ransomware, money laundering etc. Long way to go!”