Crypto Wallet Edge Announces Integration of Changelly, Stellar, and More

Crypto Wallet Edge Announces Integration of Changelly, Stellar, and More

Edge, a Californian startup formerly known as Airbitz, has released a major version update to the Edge Wallet, expanding users’ ability to buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies, and enhancing user privacy, the company said on Thursday.

The Version 1.4.0 update integrates exchange platforms Changelly and ShapeShift for additional currency support, and offers users a decentralized crypto price comparison service. It also adds support for Stellar, the sixth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization meaning that Edge now supports eight of the top ten largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

“Our fundamental goal is to provide our community with the market’s most convenient platform for buying, trading, and storing cryptocurrency while maintaining optimal data security,” said Paul Puey, CEO of Edge.

“Today’s update ensures Edge Wallet users have access to the most competitive trading options available and furthers our mission to build easy-to-use products with cutting-edge security and user privacy.”

Edge Wallet Changelly integration
Changelly integration, Edge Wallet app

The integration of Changelly, an instant cryptocurrency exchange, provides Edge Wallet users with access to dozens of additional coins including Stellar, ZCoin, and EOS, and the support of ShapeShift memberships means that Edge users are now able to access higher trade limits and rewards.

Support for Changelly and other exchanges is also giving users the first price hunting in-wallet exchange experience. App users can pick a currency pair and an amount, and Edge will find the best price across supported exchanges.

Additionally, the update supports new language options, including Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese, and includes a new feature that gives users the ability to choose their preferred Electrum server node for connection to various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Litecoin, and Qtum. This gives users the option to select nodes that prioritize desirable features such as privacy, speed, proximity, and more.

Founded in 2014 as Airbitz, Edge is a security-centric blockchain platform and multi-asset wallet. The Edge Wallet is an open source, fully user-controlled, non-custodial wallet, which employs a modular architecture that allows it to secure and transact with any blockchain or token.

Airbitz rebranded to Edge in October 2017. The Edge Wallet app went live on February 2018.