Gaming and Blockchain Leaders Unite in Alliance to Disrupt the Status Quo

Gaming and Blockchain Leaders Unite in Alliance to Disrupt the Status Quo

A coalition of industry-leading gaming and blockchain companies have formed an alliance aimed at bridging the two to increase adoption.

The Blockchain Game Alliance was unveiled at the inaugural Blockchain Game Summit in Lyon, France earlier this week. Over the two-day event, blockchain gaming professionals, innovators, service providers, and industry experts were brought together.

The founding members include those from blockchain and gaming companies, such as Alto, Gimli, Fig, Ubisoft, Ultra, B2Expand, ConsenSys, EverdreamSoft, and Enjin. The aim of the alliance is to illustrate the potential of the blockchain and the positive impact it can have on the gaming industry.

“The Blockchain Game Alliance is advocating for a universal standard in the blockchain gaming space to create a more interoperable and transparent ecosystem, which will benefit stakeholders, by furthering innovation and ensuring economic viability,” said Nicolas Gilot, Co-CEO of Ultra, a blockchain-powered gaming distribution platform.

The founding members are convinced that the blockchain has the potential to bring many benefits to the ecosystem, disrupting the status quo by best serving the 2.2 billion active gamers worldwide.

Last October, GameCredits, a blockchain company that focuses on the gaming industry, announced that it was teaming up with game developer Unity Technologies to accelerate the adoption of the blockchain and digital assets in the industry.

At the time it was noted that the partnership had the ability to make GameCredits’ blockchain assets accessible to mobile gamers running Unity-made apps and games. Modern gaming is more than just play. Nowadays, the ecosystem provides a place where gamers can customise their gameplay, which keeps them playing and spending for longer.

Add the blockchain to the mix and this helps it to become more mainstream. – the first decentralised marketplace where players can trade their in-game items globally – is also aiming to change the game sector.

Speaking last October at London’s Blockchain Live conference, Volodymyr Panchenko, founder and CEO of Dmarket and founder of, explained that by synchronising all the databases simultaneously with the games, developers, and publishers, players will be able to trade any virtual item on any game through any platform via the blockchain.

By advocating the democratisation of blockchain within the gaming industry, the founding members are of the opinion that they can combine the skills and expertise of the two sectors to aid industry adoption.