RAIRtech launches NFT collection in support of Ukraine

RAIRtech launches NFT collection in support of Ukraine

In an effort to provide support to the people of Ukraine, NFT digital rights management platform RAIRtech presents its Glitch art-inspired generative NFT collection, the #UkraineGlitch, CoinJournal learned from a press release. 

The Ukrainian flag under duress 

The project features a glitched image of the Ukrainian flag with yellow and blue pixelated ‘bullet holes’ sprinkled in the background to represent the flag under duress. Selling out the collection would provide almost $1.3 million for Ukrainian citizens in need of medical supplies.

Funds split between UACC and Web3 dev fund 

All funds from the generative drop will be split between the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) and the Web3 Developer fund, benefiting Ukrainian web3 developers in Ukraine. 

The limited-run 1991 NFT collection represents the year that Ukrainians overwhelmingly voted for the Ukrainian independence referendum. The collection is hosted on the Ethereum mainnet with each piece priced at 0.1991 ETH (~$600 USD). 

Masha Mitkov, Fullstack Project Manager at RAIRtech said:

Generating these pieces was quite cathartic- and at times had me on the floor crying. What seemed like impersonal images based on squares and randomness became a map for the energetic transposition from negative to positive. The tweaking of algorithms eventually led to the perfect balance of chaos and distressed symbolism. 

My family emigrated from Ukraine to the US in the early 90’s with refugee status. When war broke out over Crimea in 2014, my father started a direct supply chain distribution of high-quality medical supplies directly to the Ukrainian militia. Since his passing in November of 2020, and the onset of a new War in 2022, people have been reaching out to find ways to have access to these products again. 

Now the Ukrainian Coordinating Council and others have taken over what my father started. I realized I had a unique position in connecting people who needed help and those that wanted to help.

Full animation of the flag 

With every UkraineGlitch purchased, the number of pixels swapped from yellow to blue increases, eventually inverting the flag. Some pieces are animated to show parts of this progression, while others are not. Only UkraineGlitch NFT holders can watch the full animation of the flag transformation on the launch page. 

Ed Prado, CEO of RAIRtech said:

RAIRtech has long enjoyed working with skilled Ukrainian web3 developers. We worked with several different firms and developers to create our front and back ends. Since the war began, we found the best way to provide help to our Ukrainian friends was to send crypto. We now want to expand and open up this support effort – this is where UkraineGlitch comes in.