The Five Types of People Who Should Choose to Buy Zcash

The Five Types of People Who Should Choose to Buy Zcash

Zcash may be the world’s most fool-proof anonymous currency. When Zcash was first created, portions of its code were held on different computers, so the complete code could never fall into the wrong hands. When the developers finished their work, these computers were crushed and burned (literally). Zcash’s secrets were entombed forever.

This makes Zcash very valuable, both in utility and price. Crypto traders love Zcash for many reasons, but you may be uncertain if this privacy coin is for you. To help you decide, here are the five types of people who benefit from owning Zcash.



1) People Who Value Their Privacy

In the internet age, some of us simply take it for granted that our privacy is gone forever. Others aren’t ready to give up. Zcash can do for digital payments what a VPN does for your search history. You may not be protecting your personal data from anyone in particular, but if you want to make sure there’s no data that could later be used against you, perhaps buy Zcash.

2) People Without Financial Freedom

In nations or communities that don’t offer financial autonomy, individuals can lose a great deal of freedom. The ability to transfer and buy Zcash, with minimal chance of discovery, offers new power of decision to these people. Zcash can give you the financial anonymity you need.

3) People Who Must Prevent Dangerous or Charitable Transaction Records

Let’s say you were to donate money to a journalist. Unfortunately, this journalist is writing a secret expose on a political corruption. Any traceable donations could reveal their secret. You might also wish to make a donation to a political action group, but wish to make your contribution totally anonymous. Zcash is tailor-made for these delicate tasks.

4) Investors

No one appreciates the value of digital privacy more than the crypto enthusiast. Zcash has the fundamentals that help a cryptocurrency survive in the long term. We expect to see Zcash traded a decade from now, quite possibly at a higher price. With prices still down from all-time highs, Zcash buyers might see an opportunity.

5) Grey Market Participants

Perhaps you want to make purchases or contributions that fall outside of conventional markets. These might include difficult transactions across borders or participation in grey markets. We certainly don’t advocate illegal activity. But to ignore Zcash’s utility in grey markets is to turn a blind eye to an important facet of its identity.

Zcash is a remarkable technology and a valuable currency, with great potential for future price gains. We can’t guarantee the success of an investment, but to buy Zcash seems like a winning decision.


Featured image source: Flickr