Gas Station Networks (GSN)

Gas Station Networks (GSN) allows you to build decentralized applications (dApps) which make payments for transactions without users needing to hold Ether or ETH. This makes the onboarding process easier and improves user acquisition and experience.

What Are Gas Station Networks (GSN)?

The Gas Station Network (GSN) is a decentralized network of relayers that allows you to build decentralized applications (dApps) which provide payment for transactions without the need to hold Ether or ETH. This eases the onboarding process for users and improves user acquisition and experience.

The relayers in the GSN do not charge users for their services, but they do charge the recipient and contract. This way, they can recover the costs of transactions and make a profit from the extra fees.

The GSN has been designed by TabooKey to help users easily access Ethereum applications. It encompasses many companies and platforms that support the adoption of Ethereum.

GSNs are a great way to send payments because they are more affordable than traditional marketing and user acquisition methods. They also provide greater convenience, with some platforms allowing users to pay the recipient off-chain. This means that the recipient does not have to wait for the payment to be processed on the Ethereum network. GSNs are a great way to send payments because they are more affordable and convenient than traditional methods.

GSNs are set up in a way that it is in the relayers’ best interest to process requests of the platforms they serve properly. This is because there are measures in place to penalize them for malpractice. All of this is automated through smart contracts, which greatly improves reliability and user experience (UX).