Vechain (VET) Price Prediction for 2023, 2024, 2025, 2030 and 2040

Get an expert Vechain price prediction opinion by reading through our VET analysis tools and forecasts.

Vechain Price Predictions

Year Price Prediction

Vechain Price Prediction for 2023

What will Vechain be worth in 2023? Vechain will reach $0.29 per coin in 2023, according to our research.


Vechain Price Prediction for 2024

What will Vechain be worth in 2024? Our analysis of price forecasts for 2024 suggests an average price prediction of $0.12 for Vechain that year.


Vechain Price Prediction for 2025

What will Vechain be worth in 2025? Our average Vechain price prediction for 2025 is $0.17.


Vechain Price Prediction for 2030

What will Vechain be worth in 2030? According to experts, VET could be worth $0.39 in 2030.


Vechain Price Prediction for 2040

Our analysis suggests that Vechain could be worth as much as $4.54 per coin by 2040.


Is now a good time to buy Vechain?

The technical analysis gauge displays the live recommendations of 3 important technical indicators.

These technical indicators are; moving averages, oscillators and pivots.

Based on the timeframe that you select on the graph, you will be shown real-time ratings. This is simply a basic technical analysis of Vechain based on the technical indicators.

This is not financial advice on whether you should buy, sell or hold Vechain. CoinJournal do not necessarily agree with the graph’s sentiments and they are certainly no guarantee of success. CoinJournal take no responsibility for the performance of VET.

Price chart for Vechain (VET/USD)

Our live price chart for Vechain displays real-time price movements in different formats, like candle sticks, bars, and lines.

You can even compare different technical indicators for VET, like moving averages, Bollinger bands, and momentum.

If you’d like to view price movements over different time periods, then you can do this using the options on the graph.

Vechain (VET) Historical Price & Market Analysis

The current price of Vechain is ..., the quantity of supply in current circulation for Vechain is ... with a total market cap of ....

In the past 24 hours, the price of Vechain is .... VET is ... in the last 7 days.

Where to buy Vechain

Many experts clearly see VET as a strong long-term investment and if you want to profit from it you will need to sign up with a broker or crypto exchange where you can purchase Vechain.

If you want more detail on purchasing VET, check out our guide on how to buy Vechain.

There is a wide range of platforms available. You should select a regulated and secure platform for your own safety and we’ve shortlisted some of the best below to help you get started.

Read More About Vechain

VeChain Forecast

Year Price Prediction
2022 $0.29
2023 $0.12
2024 $0.17
2025 $0.39
2030 $4.54

VeChain Price Prediction for 2022

What will VeChain be worth in 2022? According to expert analysis, the price of VET could reach $0.29 in 2022.

VeChain’s technology has been used in a number of medical and healthcare use cases over the last couple of years, including moving infection risk management systems and COVID-19 vaccination records onto the blockchain. With more focus than ever now on improving and optimising healthcare systems, VeChain’s proven success in this field could see the VET token appreciate in price during 2022.

VeChain Price Prediction for 2023

What will VeChain be worth in 2023? We predict a price of $0.12 for VET in 2023.

The well-established blockchain hype cycle means that a bear market could see prices fall across the crypto market in 2023. However, VeChain plans to enter a growth stage between 2022 and 2025. Promising developments such as the launch of the VeUSD stablecoin could see VET emerge as one of the stronger cryptocurrencies during a market-wide lull.

VeChain Price Prediction for 2024

What will VeChain be worth in 2024? The value of VET may reach $0.17 in 2024, according to our research.

VeChain aims to take advantage of the increasing understanding of the value of blockchain technology during its growth stage. The project’s close relationship with global authorities could help drive mass adoption of VeChain’s technology and bring more value to VET.

VeChain Price Prediction for 2025

What will VeChain be worth in 2025? Our analysis predicts a price of $0.39 per VET in 2025.

Another bull run could see prices surge across the crypto market in 2025, and this collective momentum could raise the value of VET. According to VeChain’s roadmap, the project is expected to have reached a state of maturity by this point, putting it in a great position to provide solutions for enterprises and governments alike.

VeChain Price Prediction for 2030

What will VeChain be worth in 2030? According to experts, VET could be worth as much as $4.54 by 2030.

Many experts are bullish on VET’s long-term value, with VeChain already a part of the long-term sustainability plans for a number of businesses and countries.

VeChain will likely be home to a thriving ecosystem of applications by this time. It will have similar DeFi functionality to Ethereum, but its unique features, scalable architecture, and sustainability could make VeChain suited to meet the high demands of Fortune 500 companies.


How did we arrive at these numbers?

We sifted through the analysis and forecasts of many authorities in the crypto sector and aggregated their predictions to come up with our own, which we believe reflect a broad range of expert views on the future potential of VeChain and its native VET token.

All price predictions should be considered with caution as things can change very quickly in the crypto market and predictions are rarely 100% accurate. You should therefore make sure you are well informed before making any investment decisions.

Where to Buy VeChain?

VeChain’s potential for long-term growth has gained many investors, and if you want to join their ranks, you can purchase VET from a broker or crypto exchange that offers it. If you want more detail on purchasing VET, check out our VeChain buying guide here.

If you care about the safety of your funds and personal information, you should opt for a reputable and regulated platform. We’ve listed the best ones below for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will VeChain reach $1?
VET still has some way to go if it is to hit the $1 mark. However, the project’s innovative technology and strategic partnerships make this a distinct possibility in the long term. Market commentators such as Simon Dedic and BitBoy Crypto have even suggested that VET could reach $1 this cycle.
Is VeChain a good investment?
Only you can decide how to invest your own money. The number of global enterprises already using VeChain’s solutions and the project’s plans for mass adoption would appear to show strong growth potential. You can read more about VeChain’s fundamentals and where to buy VET here.

How did we arrive at these price predictions?

We gathered together, analysed, and aggregated the price predictions of some of the most knowledgeable people in the crypto industry to arrive at our own price predictions which we believe are representative of a wide range of experts’ views.

Price predictions are rarely spot on, however, and it is especially difficult to forecast price accurately in the ever-developing and highly-volatile crypto market. These predictions should therefore help inform your understanding of Vechain’s potential but not be solely relied upon for investment decisions.

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