PlayDapp (PLA) is one of today’s big gainers in the cryptocurrency market, surging in value by 150%.
If you want to invest in PlayDapp coin, this article is the right place for you. In it, we discuss everything you need to know about the cryptocurrency, including what it is, how it works, and what its future prospects are as an investment.
If you want to buy PLA coins immediately, check out the section directly below. There, our team of analysts have listed the two best places to buy PlayDapp tokens in the UK and around the world.
How & where to buy PlayDapp coin
To buy PlayDapp crypto tokens quickly, easily and affordably, check out the two options below; they are the best platforms to buy, sell and trade PLA tokens.
Simply click on one of the links, sign up, fund your account, and purchase the number of tokens you want to hold:
What is PlayDapp?
PlayDapp is a cryptocurrency project, and PLA is its native token.
The platform is a blockchain-based gaming ecosystem that allows users to purchase and trade NFT items within games and the global C2C marketplace, playdapp.com. The developers regard PlayDapp as a ‘blockchain-based game that everyone can enjoy.’
The long-term vision is for PlayDapp to integrate non-crypto games into the cryptocurrency ecosystem, increasing overall adoption of crypto games. The PLA token is used to finance transactions on the platform.
Should I buy PlayDapp tokens?
If you are a believer in the platform, or if you just want to speculate on its future success, buying some PLA tokens and holding them for the long term could turn out to be a smart move.
However, investing always comes with risk, and this is especially true of relatively new digital assets like PLA. Therefore, make sure you exercise additional caution, do your own research, and never invest money that you can’t afford to lose.
PlayDapp price prediction 2021
Our PLA price prediction is as follows: $0.82 this year, $0.96 in 2022, and up to $1.90 within 5 years.